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G. Ryzhakova, K. Chupryna, I. Ivakhnenko, A. Derkach, D. Huliaiev


This article develops an expert-analytical model for assessing the quality of process-oriented management of construction companies. The model differs in a two-tier approach to object evaluation by pre-evaluating the characteristics of objects and their parameters. Assessments were made in connection with the time and financial costs of resources that allow to forming an expert group, conduct a survey and analyzing its results. These results were conducted by the method of written questionnaires, which are divided into three groups: general information about the expert (age, experience, specialty, etc.), the main questions related to the problems being analyzed or evaluated, additional questions to determine the rationale for answers , competence of experts, etc. The list of possible linguistic estimations of characteristics and parameters and their numerical equivalents is formed that will give the chance to provide quality of process-oriented management on the basis of the analyzed integrated indicators of quality of management of the building enterprise. A generalized assessment of the characteristics of each of the experts of the formed group in the expert-analytical model is also formed. The list of objects, parameters and their components which are intended for an estimation of quality of management at the building enterprise is generalized. The dynamic analysis of the integrated indicator of management quality allows the institutional level of contractors to rationally plan the activities of the construction company and adjust the work in sectors (financial, production, resource, etc.) for which negative evaluations were obtained.

Ключевые слова

construction contractors, quality management system, process-oriented management, expert-analytical models

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